Monday, June 2, 2014

People We Need To Stop Paying Attention To

There are a lot of people who get a lot of publicity these days. Unfortunately, for the common person, most of what these people have to say is pretty much useless. In fact, I would go so far as to say that we really need to stop paying so much attention to these people and start thinking and doing for ourselves. Here are a few nominees I have selected as People To Stop Paying Attention To.

First up, Bryan Fischer. If you don't know who Bryan Fischer is, he is the Director of Issues Analysis for the American Family Association. Bryan hosts a radio program in conjunction with his job at AFA and posts on the AFA blog. Bryan is well known for making outlandish and often untrue statements on his radio program. His targets are generally abortion, gay adoption, same sex marriage and national health care. His comments have caused the Southern Poverty Law Center to classify the AFA as a hate group. Fischer's comments are easy to find simply because of their outlandish and untrue nature. I believe Fischer thinks of himself as a leader and inspiration to many people, but my view is that he only leads those that don't want to think for themselves and are willing to be led around by a ring in their nose.

Next, Sarah Palin.
Sarah was pretty much unknown by most of Americans until she was tapped as Vice President running mate to John McCain's Presidential campaign in 2008. As Governor of Alaska at the time, Sarah came across as witty and savvy. A no-nonsense, down-to-earth, wholesome mom who, as a woman, could lend some fresh ideas and much needed umph to the Republican ticket. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you view it), Palin was quickly exposed as inadequate to assume the role of Vice President. Her missteps with the media were mocked and used as fodder for comedians across the country. What is astounding is that Sarah Palin still enjoys some significant amount of the public spotlight - in which she continues to make outlandish comments on public issues of the day. Conservative thinking people seem to love her, but for the rest of the country Sarah is a disaster. Why are we still hearing from this woman 6 years after the failed campaign?

Most recently, Donald Sterling.
How this man has continued to get by with the things he says and does is beyond me. In case you have been living under a rock, Sterling is the current owner of the Clippers NBA franchise. He has made racist comments regarding his team and has been told by the NBA that he must sell the team (which he is fighting). Many people argue that Sterling's comments were recorded during a private conversation and therefore he should not be held to the same level of scrutiny. Even so, prior to and after this conversation, Sterling has made racist comments in public. He was fined for not renting out his properties to minorities (blacks in particular) - discriminating against them in the most basic of life pursuits. The fact that Donald continues to make these comments and have these beliefs without public backlash is astounding. Just because he has truckloads of money, it does not give him the right to discriminate against anyone.

Speaking of money, let's talk Kardashian - the whole clan (yes that includes the Jenner girls).
How this family rose to fame is a mystery to me. Besides flashing their bodies and intentionally exposing themselves, what value do these people bring to the average person. They spend money as if it was water pouring from the tap. They portray themselves on television as this incredible family that anyone would want to be part of - um, not me!! All the while Americans are buying their overpriced clothing, perfume and other branded items by the millions. I don't get it - what is the draw this family has? They are superficial (at least on television) and unrealistic. Their life is a fantasy for most people. It is great for them, but really unattainable for the average person. Some of us have to work really hard to get the things we have in this world. I will leave it at that.

Finally - one for the younger generation - Justin Bieber.
This once "cute" (I use the term loosely) kid and YouTube sensation turned music star has milked the heartstrings of millions of young girls, so called Beliebers, and the purse strings of their mothers. In the recent months/years though, Justin has displayed behaviors more akin to a spoiled brat than an adult man. These behaviors include public urination, suspected vandalism, street racing, intoxicated driving and suspected drug usage. Recently he was blasted for making a racist joke that included the N word, for which he has had to apologize. There have even been petitions demanding that Justin be deported back to Canada, but the US government has refused this demand (for now).

That is a short list of people we need to stop giving our attention to. I am sure there are more. Many more. Leave a comment and tell me if you agree or disagree - or tell me who you would add to this list.

As always, you are invited to play in my playground - as long as you play nice.